Tuesday, April 8, 2008


We do we put God on the back burner so often? I can talk so easily to my friends and family so easily and frequently but not my heavenly father? I need to remember that prayer is a conversation, expressing my thoughts and feelings to my best friend! My brother shared a video with me expressing these thoughts. Jesus is right there with us we just have to reach to him and he will take care of the rest! I pray tonight that I will lean on him daily and let him lead me and my family. It seems so easy, but our selfish nature tends to want to take over and give us doubts about trusting. So, I need to just talk to God and work through my struggles, because prayer is just a fancy word for a heart to heart with my best friend!

- LM


Scarlett Lillian // Jacksonville Senior Photographer said...

Glad you liked that video! Wasn't it amazing? Truly puts things into perspective! (Curtis was gushing so much about you last night, I think it's awesome how close you both are and can't wait to hang with you and Scotty sometime soon!)

Curtis A. Gaskalla said...

I love you sis! You are such an amazing woman...I am so proud of you.